Let’s de-junk!

Do you wonder why you keep stumbling over that same stone every now and then?. Now that’s because there’s lot of clutter still lying around, things that you should have got rid of long ago. Pardon me, you have discarded it already!!? Where? But, I can see it… It’s still here…yes here, lying in the backyard!

Yes, each one of us has a backyard where we keep dumping objects (off-course) and memories (good/bad), hoping that we may need their cushioning someday. And your subconscious mind, like a gramophone on repeat mode keeps playing those memories recurrently.

How often do you feel that something is weighing you down? It could be anything- people, place, object, habit or situation. Though you may pretend that you are done with those weighing objects but you are somewhere still clinging to them. Why this Kolaveri Di?

It’s time to liberate! As I write further lyrics of Avril Lavigne’s song ‘Complicated’ continue to amplify in my backyard. “Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you’re acting like you’re somebody else, Gets me frustrated”.


Precisely the point that I am trying to make here is – Why do we make things so complicated? As Leonardo Da Vinci quotes “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.

Let’s unfold the beauty of SIMPLICITY. For me simplicity is the white light that penetrates the prism of life and refracts the colours of contentment, joy and gratification. It is a state of ‘being at peace with oneself’ by doing away with all the inessentials and distractions of life. I do agree that in today’s information laden world it’s not easy to live a sorted life but you will also agree that one is able to determine the true purpose of his/her existence only when you rise above the trivial interference’s that come your way. And that’s when you are able to create value for yourself and for others. It certainly does not mean turning your back to the materialistic world but rather enjoying the simple pleasures of life that lighten you up!

When was the last time you indulged in craft with your child? (not the mandatory school assignments) or presented your parent’s their favourite playlist? (instead of whining on not finding enough time to spend with them) or paused to admire the beauty of moon in the night sky? (instead of spending sleepless nights planning an international holiday) or being kind and accommodative to your co-passenger (instead of complaining about the journey)

Another virtue of simplicity is Clarity’ – offer and seek. Our wavelengths match or our wavelengths do not match – sounds familiar? It’s natural to gravitate towards certain individuals due to interpersonal compatibility. And that’s largely because each one of us is born with different degrees of rationality – with some it matches and with others it may differ. Here the key is effective communication – speak up! Speak up in a language that makes sense to others. Don’t thrive on assumptions for all are not telepathists or thought readers. For instance, give clear instructions to your house help (their cognitive level may not match up with yours), read body language, reconfirm with your boss, reassure your ageing parents (they may not remember everything).

Staying organized is another route to leading a simplified life. To a large extent it helps you focus on the tangibles and regulate them, at the same time it provides you room to tackle the unforeseen. Let go of things – many a times our minds and surroundings are overflowing with unwanted thoughts and objects – it’s time to de-junk the redundant and make room for creativity and new ideas.

“In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Simplicity is the next big thing – Many a times we do define outcomes but fail to define the soul objective of any activity and with the desire to achieve extravagant outcomes we end up adding more layers of complexities. Life in general is very simple but we end up complicating it either with our undying urge to acquire more or with the daunting perceptions of the world that keep weighing us down. The essence of simplicity is to filter what’s relevant and eliminate the irrelevant. It is a state of liberation and solitude that offshoots creativity and widens our horizon.

I am not a skilled writer but as I de-junk my inhibition of expressing myself I begin to discover the wordsmith in me. Likewise let’s consciously decide to de-junk something; I reiterate it could be anything- people, place, object, habit or situation. Let’s discover the undiscovered. Let’s rekindle the lost euphoria. But first let’s DE-JUNK!

– Miss Shooting Star

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